$24.15 – $525.02 +tax
A popular deity worshiped during the Roman domination over Egypt, Hermanubis is a synchronization of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Anubis. They both shared very similar qualities and responsibilities, especially the conducting of souls of the dead to the underworld. Hermanubis is also one of the ancestors of the dog-headed Saint Christopher, who was known as a powerful ferryman for travelers. This unique sculpture depicts the God with the body of a human and the head of a jackal. He holds in one hand the sacred caduceus of Hermes, and in this context represents the Egyptian priesthood and is always engaged in the investigation of truth. In his other hand he holds a sistrum, which had important associations with ritualistic and religious practices of their Deities. A truly remarkable piece that reflects the robust exchange of ideas between multiple cultures in antiquity.
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